An EIOPA compliant solution for pension funds

IORPII Engine is an EIOPA compliant reporting tool with clear traceability and XBRL validations.

The solution is continuously maintained by Actuo, who monitors EIOPA and delivers regulatory compliant upgrades of the solution, ensuring that clients stay EIOPA compliant.

The platform supports +100 companies across 13 different EU countries.

Main benefits

  • Quaterly and Annual EIOPA QRTs
  • ECB add-ons
  • Validations and XBRL
  • Asset summary report
  • Data history and deltas
  • Re-reporting functionalities


Compliant with EIOPA

The IORPII Engine produces and maintains the following reports:

  • QRTs – quarterly & annual
  • QRTs – solo & group
  • ECB reports
  • National specific templates
  • Customer specific templates

You can create new reports or calculations/formulas for any purpose; the solution is not limited to IORP II reporting. For any standard report used internally or externally the report can be added to the monthly/quarterly/annual reporting process.